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COSTUMES! Page Banner (1).png

The costume process is extremely important. It ensures that all dancers will be prepared for Picture Week and the final concert. Costumes were ordered by the studio this year, so there are some extra steps that have been added to the costume process.

Masks must be worn at all times during the costume pick-up!


Please read and follow all of the directions below to ensure a smooth costume process.

It's Costume Time!


Parents will receive an email identifying that 1 or more costumes are ready for pick-up. Parents must sign up for costume pick-up appointment time at least 48hrs before the desired date. This will ensure the costume package is pulled.


The parent will select an appointment time for pick-up, using the Calendy link sent via email once the dancer's costume is ready for pick-up.


Parents will arrive at the pick-up location with the dancer dressed in their Academy Uniform, ready to try on their costume(s).

Parent's and Dancers get temperatures checked and sign-in.


Dancer & Parent will be assigned a studio/ dressing room to try on the costumes. Once the dancer has tried on a costume an Admin Team member will take a look to ensure everything is intact and it fits correctly. This must be done for each costume!


Parents will complete their costume exit paperwork which includes costume agreement form. The costume agreement form will be attached to the dancers costume sign out sheet.

Costumes Fit: Dancers are almost ready to go! Parents must initial next to each costume that was retrieved. Once the costume waiver has been signed the dancer and parent have completed the costume process.


Exchange Needed: An Admin Team member will retrieve the costume(s) that do not fit from the dancer. Once costumes have been retrieved we will fill out an exchange report and give the parent instructions.

After You Try On Your Costume...

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